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몸이 천근 만근이다. I feel like a big pile of crud. 본문
출처 : YBM
I’m so sick. I feel like a big pile of crud.
You need to put the brakes on . for a while.
That’s exactly what the doctor ordered, as well.
You don’t need to be told twice, then. Get rest.
A: 나 너무 아파. 몸이 천근만근이야.
B: 잠시 쉬어주다.
A: 의사도 딱 그렇게 시키던데.
B: 똑 같은 말 두 번 들을 필요 없지. 좀 쉬어.
[Additional expressions]
*I’m so sick.– I’m very ill. / I’m really under the weather. / I’m feeling pretty rotten.
*I feel like a big pile of crud.– I feel like I should be in the hospital. / I hurt all over.
*You need to put the brakes on– You need to slow down with your work / You should take a break
*That’s exactly what the doctor ordered, as well.– My doctor said so, too. / That’s also my doctor’s opinion.
*You don’t need to be told twice– You don’t have to hear it again / You already know well, then
*Get rest.– Take it easy. / Take some time off. / Kick back for a while
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